Sunday, May 13, 2007

It was truly a Happy Mother's Day!

Today was just about the best Mother's Day...ever! I am the happy Mimi tonight, for sure!

Can you see those smiles and the mischief? Do not be's all true! They aren't always quite as sweet as they look here! LOL!

I had such a wonderful day with four of the six. The youngest (the only girl) and the oldest grandson were not here...and they were sorely missed. But my two sons and the middle four were here, splashing in the pool and making all kinds of mayhem. And they did it soooo well!

Along with lots of sun and swimming, we cooked on the grill, ate popsicles, Cheetos, and played with a plethora of pool toys. When it was time to get out of the water, we made Mother's Day cards for their moms. The two older ones are quite the artists! Stampin' Kub would be really proud of them, as I am! They have their own special drawer in my studio with their personal set of markers, pencils and stamp pads. For anything that isn't in their drawer, they have to ask for my help. So far, it's been a good plan. was a grand day, for sure. Now I'm off to try to recover from it all.

I hope your Mother's Day was a good as mine!


michelle sturgeon said...

What a great picture!
Glad you had a great Mother's Day!

Rochelle W said...

You did have a great Mother's Day!! Good for you!