Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Checking in from CHA!

Yes, I know I've neglected my blog since I've been gone, but I've been sooooooo busy!

I woke up early this morning (again) and wanted to let you all know I am still here, working hard at buying lots of good stuff! And believe it, it's hard work spending all this money! LOL!

I'm sure you've been reading a lot about CHA and seeing lots of pictures of new products on other blogs. I happen to know that Cowboy Sock Monkey is doing his 5 top pics every day. You may even recognize some of the hands holding him...or not? In the off chance that you've missed it, be sure to check it out on Laurie's Blog .

Sunday night we went to the SCS Cupcake Reception, and I met a LOT of people who you would know. This is just one quick pic with some of my favorite people. Amy Sheffer of Pickled Paper Designs, Laurie Schmidlin , the short person with the dorky look in the middle is me. I have never been photogenic! Then there is Tosha Leyendekker and the infamous Carolyn King . I can't begin to tell you how fun it was to meet these ladies for the fist time! It's as if we've known each other forever!

I have so much to tell you, and some photos to share as well. But time is at a premium, so it will have to wait for now. I will be back when I can.

I WILL tell you now that I've been reading the blog candy comments in the post below, and I think you will be pleased with many of the purchases I've made so far! October Afternoon isn't here, so I haven't seen their new releases, but I've already made it to MANY of the other booths. More about that later. I need to hop in the shower so I can be ready when the convention center opens. Only a day and a half left, and there is much yet to buy!

Don't forget to register for the blog candy. Oh...what the heck. If you have already registered, why don't you get a second chance on this post? Any old comment will do?

I'll be back as soon as I can. Until then....


Anonymous said...

WOW, to be in that photo!!! What stamping talent :)
Looks like your having fun, can't wait to see the goodies ;)

Tricia said...

A second chance it is! :) Have fun!

Linda w said...

I bet you are pretty much overwhelmed at everything at CHA. I can't wait to see what new things you will be getting for your store.

Anonymous said...

It has been so much fun to be a second-hand participant in CHA through your blogs! Can't wait to see when you share your CHA goodies list!

kreativeimagination said...

I know I am very excited to see what goodies and event you will be sharing with us, once you get back. thanks for the second chance. wishing you a safe trip back home.

mudmaven said...

I can't wait to see what goodies you will come home with! Looks like everyone is having a good time! ~chris

peggy w said...

Wish I could have stowed away in your suitcase. Have tons of fun. Thanks for the giveaway. Love your blog.

Anonymous said...

Love that this is all being shared with us who can't be there. It's very exciting. Thank you.


Susan G said...

Love being able to put faces with names from various blogs. Hope you are having a fabulous time at CHA.

Jekka said...

Thank you for the link to Laurie's blog. I LOVE the sock monkey. It looks like you are having a wonderful time. Can't wait to see more pics.

SueB said...

Just checkin' in for CHA updates - TFS and thanx for the 2nd chance for blog candy!

Elaine A said...

Hi Michelle -
I so wish I could be there. You sound as if you are having so much fun!! But as I understand it, the regular stamper/craft person can't get into CHA, only instructors, store owners, etc. Am I correct? Sigh - so I guess I'll have to live vicariously through you!!!!LOL


Elaine Allen

Denise Marzec said...

{waving from out here in snowy PA}

Sounds like you're having a TON of fun!! Thanks for sharing the pic!!

Cindy said...

What fun you must be having!!! I can't wait to see what new things will be in the store soon. ;-) Thanks for the second chance, too! Do we need to mention 3 more things? If so, any new Basic Grey, DCWV stacks, and especially ALL the new Spellbinders (including the Impressabilities)!!!

TFS the pics from CHA!

Anonymous said...

Love to take a second chance and have been enjoying the CHA leeks and peaks.

Kristie said...

I wish I could be there too...long way to go from Australia though :)
Can't wait to see all the new stuff in your store....I think my wallet might be in for a hard time!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Michelle, this picture is FABULOUS! Seeing all of you fantastic ladies and so much creative talent in one spot is amazing! It's so nice to finally put a face to the friend I've known for so long! Now I can't wait to see what you bought for the store!!!
Continue to enjoy this fabulous trip to sunny CA and have yourself a wonderful time!! That means ALL of you ladies!!

Kim G said...

I bet everyone of you are having a great time!! Thanks for the 2nd chance for blog candy. I just have really found your blog and store, haven't got the chance to shop yet!!

Anonymous said...

Woohoo!! Everyone deserves a second chance! The top five picks have been wonderful thus far!!

Sue D said...

Sounds like you are having fun! Can't wait to see what you decide on.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're having lots of fun. Can't wait to hear all the details.

None None said...

Thanks so much for the second chance! So glad you are having fun at CHA and seeing old friends. Can't wait to see what you bring to the store.

Anonymous said...

Hope you're having loads of fun, and that it is warm, it was -23 here in Canada this morning (hard to get out of bed I tell ya). Bring back lots of good eye candy for us!
God Bless
Catherine M

Anonymous said...

What a great looking group of ladies! I can't wait to see all the great new stuff from CHA in your store!

Cheryl B said...

Bet you all are having a great time, shop til you drop!

Donna said...

It sounds like such fun. Wish CHA would be close by so I could go. Can't wait to see all the goodies. Second chance to win. Woohoo!

Tricia said...

Enjoy the rest of your time at CHA and choose well all the new products! There's so much there, however do you do it?! Can't wait to see all the goodies!

Michelle Pearson said...

love the photo...fun to see some *stamping royalty* all together!
Can't wait to see what you bring back!

Kerry Johnson said...

Love seeing what you've been up to and all those smiling faces!! Thanks for another chance to win!

Christi Flores said...

Glad to see you're having fun at CHA!!!

Alyssa S said...

How amazing to meet all those fantastic women! Jealous I am!! :o)

Anonymous said...

Love what I have seen so far. Can't wait to see all the goodies you have brought back! Enjoy the rest of your time!

Yvonne Jackson said...

It looks great fun, green with envy ! Can`t wait to see what new goodies you decided to choose for the store. Safe trip home!

Unknown said...

Hi Michelle,
Thanks for the update. I'm looking forward to seeing all the goodies in your store that you bring back with you.
Have fun!

Sandy Hill said...

First of all, what a great photo of all of you ladies. You all look like you are having a fantastic time.

Thanks for a a second chance at your blog candy.

Laurie said...

Sounds like you haven't had time to catch your breath. Can't wait to see what you bring home to your store!

Deb Neerman said...

You're too hard on yourself, Michelle ... you're cute as a button!! And I should know, cuz I know my buttons!

How wonderful to finally meet everyone and hang out with 'em ... what a great crew!

Come home soon!

~Hugs, Deb

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you've seen some great new products at CHA.

Linda Carson said...

Thanks for a second chance!

Paula said...

Sounds like you're having a blast. Thanks for a chance at the candy.

Rebecca Ednie said...

Another chance to win? Yeaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!

Stephanie Hargis said...

A second chance??? Woohoo! Thanks so much! I am excited to see your pictures! It looks like you are having a blast! :D

Anonymous said...

What fun you must be having. Nice picture and so much talent. Thanks for a second chance.

Angie said...

A second chance to win? Yea!!! I don't know if I even entered my first chance... I wish I could go to CHA, just for the fun of it but alas... I live too far away, and I'm not on a design team, or anything that would qualify me to attend. Someday!

Jennifer Scull said...

love the photo of the stamping royalty!!! :) you all look simply mahvelous, dahling!!

Jackie said...

Second chances are great! Thanks for your updates from CHA - can't wait to see the new stuff.

Jenny Ward said...

Glad you had a good time at CHA! Can't wait to see all the new products you've ordered!
-Jenny, CO

Sara said...

CHA looks like so much fun! I wish I could have been there to look at all the great new stuff. Thank you for sharing pictures with the rest of us. =)

mimiburroughs said...

Looks like y'all had an awesome time!!! I'm so glad...and can't wait to see all the new toys!!!

Judy Rozema said...

It was so great to meet you at CHA!! What a delight!

(And I think I know who took that picture......LOL!)

Kim Teasdale said...

What a fabulous bunch of warm and talented ladies! I am so happy that I got a chance to meet you at CHA and everyone else too - what a gift it was being able to go and I had a blast! Couln't you feel the talent oozing out of the cupcake reception? *giggle*



Debra Wood said...

I have sure enjoyed your posts. CHA looks like so much fun. Can't wait to see some of the new things. Thanks for the 2nd chance!

Joan Ervin said...

Ooooh, just look at you....you sweet thang!!! I am sooo glad you got to meet all those wonderful ladies....sounds like I missed a fun party!!!

Anonymous said...

t looks like you all had a blast! We who read your blogs regularly assume you all know each other! How fun for you to get to meet! Thanks for the second chance to win. Can't wait to see the results of your shopping spree!

Anonymous said...

Michelle, I've been envious as I luv craft shows, especially those pertaining to stamping!! Know you had a wonderful time. Debbie Olsen has been one of my idols ever since she was on stage at one of the first SU conventions I ever went to. Thanks for the pics!
Barbara E.

Bootybella Designs Inc. said...

Ohhh, the cupcake reception sounds like a wild time!! LOL!!! Looks like you had all your dreams come true!!!

Sharon (notimetostamp) said...

Oh, how fun to meet everyone!!! So nice to see all your smiling faces!!!